Responsible Steel

Since September 2021, we have been a member of ResponsibleSteel, the first global initiative to standardise and certify responsible and sustainable practices in the steel industry. Through standards and certifications, this international organisation aims to contribute to reducing environmental, social and corporate risks throughout the steel chain, while at the same time raising awareness of steel as a sustainable material.



One of the milestones in our sustainable development efforts was receiving certification from this organization.

ResponsibleSteel Certificate - pdf

ResponsibleSteel certification provides evidence of compliance with these twelve principles and ensures transparency and traceability for key stakeholders:

Principle 1. Corporate governance

ResponsibleSteel certified sites are led responsibly.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites are led responsibly.

Principle 2. Management systems for social responsibility, environmental aspects and corporate governance

ResponsibleSteel certified sites have an effective management system in place to achieve the social, environmental, and governance objectives to which they are committed.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites have an effective management system in place to achieve the social, environmental, and governance objectives to which they are committed.

Principle 3. Workplace health and safety

ResponsibleSteel certified sites protect the health and safety of workers.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites protect the health and safety of workers.

Principle 4. Workers' rights

ResponsibleSteel certified sites respect the rights of workers and support worker well-being.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites respect the rights of workers and support worker well-being.

Principle 5. Human rights

ResponsibleSteel certified sites respect human rights wherever they operate, irrespective of their size or structure.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites respect human rights wherever they operate, irrespective of their size or structure.

Principle 6. Stakeholder involvement and communications

ResponsibleSteel certified sites engage effectively with stakeholders, report openly on issues of importance to stakeholders, and remediate adverse impacts they have caused or contributed to.


"Certification to the stringent ResponsibleSteel standard will make the SIJ Group one of the most responsible and sustainable steel producers in the world."


Principle 7. Local communities

ResponsibleSteel certified sites respect the rights and interests of local communities, avoid and minimize adverse impacts, and support community well-being.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites respect the rights and interests of local communities, avoid and minimize adverse impacts, and support community well-being.

Principle 8. Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions

The corporate owners of ResponsibleSteel certified sites are committed to the global goals of the Paris Agreement, and both certified sites and their corporate owners are taking the actions needed to demonstrate this commitment.

The corporate owners of ResponsibleSteel certified sites are committed to the global goals of the Paris Agreement, and both certified sites and their corporate owners are taking the actions needed to demonstrate this commitment.

Principle 9. Noise, emissions, wastewater, and waste

ResponsibleSteel certified sites prevent and reduce emissions and effluents that have adverse effects on communities or the environment, manage waste according to the waste management hierarchy, and take account of the full life cycle impacts of waste management options.


"We are closing more and more material cycles and increasing the volume of waste that gets classified and sorted. As much as 98% of our industrial waste is reused, recycled, or otherwise recovered, and we are well on our way to zero waste."


Principle 10. Water management

ResponsibleSteel certified sites demonstrate good water stewardship.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites demonstrate good water stewardship.

Principle 11. Biodiversity

ResponsibleSteel certified sites protect and conserve biodiversity.

ResponsibleSteel certified sites protect and conserve biodiversity.

Principle 12. Decommissioning and closure

ResponsibleSteel certified sites minimize the adverse social, economic, and environmental impacts of full or partial site decommissioning and closure.